The Annotation data (corpus) for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) in brat format, which will be used for text-mining system

The server for the brat data will be shutdown during the following periods:
from 15:00 J.S.T May 31 to 15:00 J.S.T June 21 2024.
Sorry for inconvenience.

The links:

Annotation gudelines

Corpus, composed of 150 abstracts
IAA dataset

Config files for brat:
annotation config file for brat
visual config file for brat
tools config file for brat

Please cite the following paper:
Nagano, N., Tokunaga, N., Ikeda, M. et al. A novel corpus of molecular to higher-order events that facilitates the understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Sci Rep 13, 5986 (2023). doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-32915-8

The original brat tool is available at: brat rapid annotation tool (brat)
The latest brat tool is available at GitHub: brat rapid annotation tool (brat) in GitHub

With the brat tool and config files, the data files can be visualized more appropriately.
Moreover, this corpus for IPF was used to develop the following tools:
Tool of Named Entity Recognition for lung diseases
Tool of Entity Linking for lung diseases
Tool of Relation Extraction for lung diseases
Tool of Event Extraction for lung diseases
These tools may be useful for researchers and medical doctors for lung diseases.